Books translated
Books authored
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Parents as friendship coaches for children with ADHD: A clinical guide Mikami, A. Y., & Normand, S. (2022). Routledge.
This book introduces Parental Friendship Coaching (PFC), an intervention that parents can use to support peer relationships in their elementary school-aged children with ADHD.
In the PFC program, clinicians work with parents to coach their children with ADHD in friendship behaviors that help develop and maintain high-quality relationships. Featuring 10 research-based clinical sessions, the book provides detailed, step-by-step instructions for clinicians about intervention provision. Each session includes skills teaching devoted to supporting children’s peer relationships, activities to practice the skills in session, problem-solving about difficulties carrying out the skills, and homework to try the skills at home. This book also includes handouts for parents and clinicians, tips for clinicians about addressing common parent difficulties, and suggestions for progress monitoring.
Intended for mental health professionals working with families of children with ADHD and peer problems, this book will aid clinicians in educating parents on how to support their children’s friendship development. |
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La dyslexie démystifiée: pour une collaboration positive parents-enseignants. Maisonneuve, M-F., & Normand, S. (2011). Montréal: Les Éditions Quebecor.
For a book review, click here.
Books edited
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Conduites agressives chez l’enfant : Perspectives développementales et psychosociales. Schneider, B. H., Normand, S., Allès-Jardel, M., Provost, M. A., & Tarabulsy, G. M. (2009). Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec. |
Peer-Reviewed Articles (* = student as co-author)
Under Review
1. *Miller, C. E., Arnold. L. E., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Hechtman, L., Hinshaw, S. P., Kofler, M. J., Molina, B. S. G., Normand, S., Pfiffner, L. J., & Mikami, A. Y. (submitted). Social skill deficit profiles in ADHD and comorbid disorders. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.
25. Psyllou, C., Luman, M., van den Hoofdaker, B.J., Van der Oord, S., Aghebati, A., Boyer, B., Buitelaar, J., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Daley, D., Dekkers, T.J., DuPaul, G. J., Fabiano, G. A., Ferrin, M., Franke, N., Gershy Tsahor, N., Harvey, E., Hennig, T., Herbert, S., Hoekstra, P.J., Kern, L., Mautone, J.A., Mikami, A. Y., Normand, S., Pfiffner, L. J., Shimabukuro, S., Schramm, S. A., Schweitzer, J. B., Sibley, M. H., Sonuga-Barke, E., Thompson, C., Thompson, M. J., Tripp, G., Webster-Stratton, C., Yuhuan, X., Leijten, P., & Groenman, A. P. (in press). Mechanisms of change and between-family differences in parenting interventions for children with ADHD: An individual participant meta-analysis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
24. Normand, S., Guiet, J., *Leblanc, V., Mautone, J. A., Fogler, J. M., *Prud'Homme-Maisonneuve, A., Power, T. J., & Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.D. (2024). An open trial of a brief engagement program for parents of children with ADHD. Evidence-Based Practice in Child Mental Health. 9(4), 528–543.
23. Normand, S., Lambert, M., Bakeman, R., Guiet, J., Brendgen, M., & Mikami, A. Y. (2024). Targeting peer contagion dynamics in children with ADHD: Effects from a two-site randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 53(3), 473-488.
22. Nissley-Tsiopinis, J. D., Normand, S., Mautone, J. A., Fogler, J., *Featherstone, M., & Power, T. J. (2023). Preparing families for evidence-based treatment of ADHD: Development of Bootcamp for ADHD. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 30(3), 453-470. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpra.2022.02.022
21. Normand, S., *Miller, N., & Mikami, A. Y. (2023). Contributions of friends' problem behaviors to friendship quality in a sample of children with ADHD. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 52(2), 244-258, doi: 10.1080/15374416.2021.1941056
20. Normand, S., *Lambert, M., Guiet, J., Brendgen, M., Bakeman, R., & Mikami, A. Y. (2022). Peer contagion dynamics in the friendships of children with ADHD. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 63(12), 1477-1485, doi: 10.1111/jcpp.13597
19. *Smit, S., Mikami, A. Y., Normand, S. (2022). Effects of the Parental Friendship Coaching intervention on parental emotion socialization of children with ADHD. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. 50, 101-115, doi: 10.1007/s10802-021-00818-9
18. *Saffer, B. Y., Mikami, A. M., *Qi, H., Owens, J. S., & Normand, S. (2021). Factors impacting agreement between parents and teachers on ratings of children’s ADHD symptoms: An explorative study using polynomial regression analyses. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 43(3), 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s10862-021-09892-1
17. *Smit, S., Mikami, A. Y., Normand, S. (2021). Parenting children with ADHD: Associations with parental depression, parental ADHD, and child behavior problems. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 30, 1156-1170. doi: 10.1007/s10826-021-01944-0
16. *Jia, M.R., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (2021). Social resilience in children with ADHD: Parent and teacher factors. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 30, 839-854. doi: 10.1007/s10826-021-01907-5
15. Mikami, A. Y., Normand, S., *Hudec, K. L., *Guiet, J., *Jia, M., *Na, J. J., *Smit, S., *Khalis, A., & Maisonneuve, M.-F. (2020). Treatment of friendship problems in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Initial results from a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 88(10), 871-885. doi: 10.1037/ccp0000607
14. Fogler, J. M., Normand, S., *O’Dea, N., Mautone, J. A., *Featherston, M., Power, T.J. Nissley-Tsiopinis, J. D., (2020). Implementing group parent training in telepsychology: Lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 45(9), 983-989. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsaa085
13. Normand, S., Mikami, A. Y., Savalei, V., & *Guiet, J. (2020). A multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) model of friendship quality and comorbidities in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Psychological Assessment. 32(7), 698–704.
12. *Smit, S., Mikami, A. Y., Normand, S. (2020). Correlates of loneliness among children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Comordibities and Peer Problems. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 51, 478-489.
11. Normand, S., *Soucisse, M. M., *Vézina Melançon, M. P., Schneider, B.H., *Lee, M.D., Maisonneuve, M.-.F. (2019). Observed free-play patterns of children with ADHD and their real-life friends. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 47, 256-271.
10. Normand, S., *Ambrosoli, J., *Guiet, J., *Soucisse, M. M., Schneider, B.H., Maisonneuve, M.-F., *Lee, M.D., & Tassi, F. (2017). Behaviors associated with negative affect in the friendships of children with ADHD. Psychiatry Research, 247, 222-224. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2016.11.041.
9. Mikami, A.Y. & Normand, S. (2015). The importance of social contextual factors in peer relationships of children with ADHD. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 2, 30-37. doi:10.1007/s40474-014-0036-0.
8. *Soucisse, M. M., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (2014). L’incidence du TDAH sur les relations d’amitié des enfants et adolescents : mieux comprendre pour mieux intervenir. Nouvelle Revue de l'Adaptation et de la Scolarisation, 68, 1-22.
7. Normand, S. & Tannock, R. (2014). Screening for working memory deficits in the classroom: The psychometric properties of the Working Memory Rating Scale in a longitudinal school-based study. Journal of Attention Disorders, 18, 294-304. doi:10.1177/1087054712445062.
6. Normand, S., Schneider, B.H., Lee, M.D., Maisonneuve, M.-.F., Chupetloskva-Anastasova, A., Kuehn, S.M., & Robaey, P. (2013). Continuities and changes in the friendships of children with and without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder : A longitudinal, observational study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 41, 1161-1175. doi:10.1007/s10802-013-9753-9.
5. Normand, S., Flora, D.B., Toplak, M., & Tannock, R. (2012). Evidence for a general ADHD factor from a longitudinal general school population study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40, 555-567. doi: 10.1007/s10802-011-9584-5.
4. Normand, S., Schneider, B.H., Lee, M.D., Maisonneuve, M.F., Kuehn, S.M., & Robaey, P. (2011). How do children with ADHD (mis)manage their real-life dyadic friendships? A multimethod investigation. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39, 293-305. doi: 10.1007/s10802-010-9450-x.
3. Schneider, B. H., Normand, S., Soteras de Toro, M., Santana Gonzalez, Y., Guilarte Tellez, J.A., Carbonell Naranjo, M., Musle, M., et al. (2011). Distinguishing features of Cuban children referred for professional help because of ADHD: Looking beyond the symptoms. Journal of Attention Disorders, 15, 328-337. doi: 10.1177/1087054709356161.
2. Schneider, B.H., Tomada, G., Normand, S., Tonci, E., & de Domini, P. (2008). Social support as a predictor of school bonding and academic motivation following the transition to Italian middle school. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 25, 287-310. doi: 10.1177/0265407507087960.
1. Normand, S., Schneider, B.H., & Robaey, P. (2007). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and the challenges of close friendship. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 16, 67-73.
Published Abstracts
2. Normand, S., Schneider, B.H., Kuehn, S.M., Maisonneuve, M.-.F., James, W., O’Kelly, F., Kerridge, A., Lee, M.D., & Robaey, P. (2009). Perceptions of closeness and conflict in the friendships of children with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 12, 582-584 (abstract).
1. Schneider, B. H., Normand, S., Soteras de Toro, M., Santana Gonzalez, Y., Guilarte Tellez, J.A., Carbonell Naranjo, M., Musle, M., & Díaz Socarras, F. J., & Robaey, P. (2009). ADHD in Cuban elementary schoolchildren. Journal of Attention Disorders, 12, 582-584 (abstract).
Editor-Invited Articles (* = student as co-author)
1. *Soucisse, M. M., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (2015). Friendship problems in children with ADHD: What do we know and what can we do? Perspectives on Language and Literacy: An official publication of the International Dyslexia Association, 29-34.
Book Chapters
3. Normand, S., & Schneider, B. H. (2009). Ces enfants qui font du mal aux autres : Connaissances et défis scientifiques actuels. Dans B. H. Schneider, S. Normand, M. Allès-Jardel, M. A. Provost, & G.M. Tarabulsy (Éds). Conduites agressives chez l’enfant : Perspectives développementales et psychosociales (pp. 11-35). Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
2. Normand, S., Maisonneuve, M.-F., Schneider, B. H., & Richard, J. F. (2009). Lorsque les mots ne suffisent plus : Les difficultés langagières et l’agressivité au cours de l’enfance. Dans B. H. Schneider, S. Normand, M. Allès-Jardel, M. A. Provost, & G.M. Tarabulsy (Éds). Conduites agressives chez l’enfant : Perspectives développementales et psychosociales (pp. 83-103). Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
1. Schneider, B. H., Allès-Jardel, M., Goldstein, E., & Normand, S. (2009). Les origines culturelles de l’agressivité pendant l’enfance. Dans B. H. Schneider, S. Normand, M. Allès-Jardel, M. A. Provost, & G.M. Tarabulsy (Éds). Conduites agressives chez l’enfant : Perspectives développementales et psychosociales (pp. 201-222). Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Test and Book Reviews
3. Normand, S. (December 4, 2016). [Review of the book If Your Adolescent Has ADHD: An Essential Resource for Parents, par Thomas J. Power, PhD et Linda Wasmer Andrews]. Oxford University Press.
2. Normand, S. (2012, November 16). [Review of the book Intervention cognitivo-comportementale auprès des enfants et adolescents, Tome 1: Troubles intériorisés, by L. Turgeon & S. Parent]. Canadian Psychology.
1. Normand, S. (2012, May 10). [Review of the test Échelle francophone d’appréciation du rendement -EFAR, a measure of achievement in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics for use with French-speaking clientele in Canada. The goal is to have an achievement test that would be developed using Canadian curricula and normed with a Canadian population, by Auguston Consultants].
Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations (* = student as co-author)
86. *Smit, S., Mikami, A. Y., & Normand, S. (2023, June 22). Treatment process as a mediator between parent mental health and outcomes in parenting interventions for children with ADHD. Twentieth biennial ISRCAP scientific meeting. London, England.
85. *Miller, C. E., Mikami, A. Y., Pfiffner, L. J., Hinshaw, S. P., Kofler, M. J., Normand, S., & (2022, November 20). Social skill deficit profiles in ADHD and comorbid disorders (2022). 56th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT). New York City, USA.
84. *Paquette, C., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (2022, September 30). Validation of an observational coding system for the friendships of children with ADHD. [Poster Presentation]. 9th Annual CADDRA ADHD Research Day. St. John, Canada.
83. Prud’Homme-Maisonneuve, A., Lambert, M., Bakeman, R., Guiet, J., Brendgen, M., Mikami, A. Y., & Normand, S. (12 novembre 2021). Dynamiques de contagion entre pairs au sein des relations d’amitié des enfants avec TDAH. Dans S. Normand (Président), Le TDAH et le défi des amitiés intimes : Mieux comprendre pour mieux intervenir [Symposium]. Journée scientifique sur les Neurosciences Sociales, Gatineau, Québec, Canada.
82. Prud’Homme-Maisonneuve, A., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J. D., Guiet, J., Leblanc, V., Mautone, J. A., Fogler, J. M., Power, T. J., & Normand, S. (12 novembre 2021). Bootcamp for ADHD (BC-ADHD): Un essai clinique ouvert à méthodes mixtes pour impliquer les parents dans les traitements du TDAH basés sur des données probantes [Présentation Datablitz]. Journée scientifique sur les Neurosciences Sociales, Gatineau, Québec, Canada.
81. Prud’Homme-Maisonneuve, A., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J. D., Guiet, J., Leblanc, V., Mautone, J. A., Fogler, J. M., Power, T. J., & Normand, S. (2021, October 13). Le programme Bootcamp for ADHD pour impliquer les familles dans les traitements du TDAH : Un essai ouvert à méthodes mixtes [Présentation orale]. 43e congrès annuel de la SQRP. Événement virtuel, Canada.
80. Prud’Homme-Maisonneuve, A., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J. D., Guiet, J., Leblanc, V., Mautone, J. A., Fogler, J. M., Power, T. J., & Normand, S. (2021, October 1). Engaging Parents in Evidence-Based Treatment of ADHD: A Mixed-Method Open Trial of Bootcamp for ADHD [Oral Presentation]. 8th Annual CADDRA ADHD Research Day. Virtual Event, Canada.
79. Prud’Homme-Maisonneuve, A., Lambert, M.. Bakeman, R., Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y. & Normand, S. (2021, June 10). Dynamics of dyadic mutality and coercive joining in the friendships of children with ADHD. [Poster Presentation]. Brain Health Research Day. Virtual Event, Canada.
78. Prud’Homme-Maisonneuve, A., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J. D., Guiet, J., Leblanc, V., Mautone, J. A., Fogler, J. M., Power, T. J., & Normand, S. (2021, June 10). A mixed-method open trial of a brief engagement program for parents of children with ADHD [Poster Presentation]. Brain Health Research Day. Virtual Event, Canada.
77. Martinez Cepeda, A., Miller, N.V., Mikami, A.Y., Normand, S. (2021, June 10). Contribution of friends’ problem behaviors to friendship quality in a sample of children with ADHD [Poster Presentation]. Brain Health Research Day. Virtual Event, Canada.
76. Fogler, J.M., Normand, S., Power, T.J. Mautone, J.A., & Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.D., (2020, November). Who is coming to ADHD Bootcamp? Parents' baseline ratings of the acceptability of pharmacological and psychosocial treatments for ADHD. In J. Nissley-Tsiopinis and T. Egan (Co-Chairs), Understanding factors that are associated with treatment acceptability, preference, and satisfaction for evidence-based treatments for elementary aged children. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
75. Normand, S., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.D., *Guiet, J., *Leblanc, V., Fogler, J.M., Mautone, J.A., & Power, T.J. (2020, November). Engaging families in multimodal treatment for ADHD: An open trial of Bootcamp for ADHD. In J. Nissley-Tsiopinis (Chair), Promoting family engagement in evidence-based treatments for ADHD across diverse populations of children and adolescents. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
74. Normand, S., Fogler, J.M., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J.D., Mautone, J.A., *Guiet, J., *Melita, N., *Leblanc, V., *Featherston, M., & Power, T.J. (2019, November). Parenting group process: Preliminary insights from an ongoing multisite pilot trial of ADHD Bootcamp.In J. Nissley-Tsiopinis (Chair), Does how we implement an EBT matter? Measuring the process of therapy.Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA, USA.
73. *Na, J.J., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (2019, November). Assessment of treatment integrity in a dual-site randomized clinical trial of parental friendship coaching intervention. In J. Nissley-Tsiopinis (Chair), Does how we implement an EBT matter? Measuring the process of therapy.Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA, USA.
72. Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (2019, October). Initial results from a randomized trial to address friendship problems in children with ADHD. Senior oral presentation presented at the 6thCanadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) Research Day. Toronto, Canada.
71. *Smit, S., Mikami, A.Y., Hudec, K., & Normand, S. (2019, June). Parental psychopathology and the treatment process in parenting interventions for ADHD. Poster accepted for the 2019 Biennial International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Scientific Meeting, Los Angeles, California, USA.
70. Mikami, A.Y., Normand, S., *Hudec, K., *Guiet, J., *Smit, S., *Na, J., *Khalis, A., Maisonneuve, M., & *Jia, M.R. (2019, June). Novel treatment of social problems in ADHD: Initial results from a dual-site clinical trial of the Parental Friendship Coaching intervention. Independent oral presentation accepted for the 2019 Biennial International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Scientific Meeting, Los Angeles, California, USA.
69. *Lu, C., Hudec, K.L., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (2019, April). Callous-unemotional traits related to negative social behaviour during children's play activities. Poster presented at the UBC Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
68. *Hudec, K., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (2019, March). Executive functioning mediates the effects of ADHD symptoms on social functioning in school-aged children. Poster presented at the 51st annual Banff International Conference on Behavioural Science. Banff, AB, Canada.
67. *Lang, T., Mikami, A.Y., Smit, S., & Normand, S. (2018, November). Factors associated with suicidal ideation among school-aged children with ADHD. Poster presented at the annual conference for the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Washington DC, United States.
66. *Boucher, D., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (2019). Parental social competence predicts peer acceptance in children with ADHD. Poster submitted to the 5th Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) Research Day. Calgary, Canada.
65. *Pichette, V., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (accepted). Student-teacher relationship as a unique predictor of peer functioning in children with ADHD. Poster submitted to the 5th Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) Research Day. Calgary, Canada.
64. *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (accepted). Psychometric properties of an observational measure of friendship quality for children with ADHD. Poster submitted to the 5th Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) Research Day. Calgary, Canada.
63. *Antille, K., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (accepted). Factor structure of the Friendship Quality Questionnaire in a sample of children with ADHD: A multi-informant study. Poster submitted to the 5th Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) Research Day. Calgary, Canada.
62. Normand, S. & Mikami, A.Y. (accepted). ADHD and the challenges of close friendship: An updated review. Presentation submitted to the 5th Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) Research Day. Calgary, Canada.
61. *Mak, M., Mikami, A.Y., Normand, S. (July 2018). Positive and corrective parenting behaviours in a cross-cultural sample of parents of children with ADHD. Poster presented to the 24th Congress of the International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology. Guelph, Canada.
60. *Smit, S., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (June 2018). Predictors of loneliness in children with ADHD. Poster presented to the 2018 Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Montréal, Canada.
59. *Pitre, M. *Beaudin, C., *Soucisse, M. M., *Vezina Melançon, M.-P., Schneider, B.H., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (April 2018). Patrons de jeu libre des enfants avec TDAH et leurs amis: Une étude longitudinale et observationnelle. Poster presented at the first Scientific Day, Groupe de neurosciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
58. * Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (April 2018). Devis d'un essai randomisé contrôlé pour évaluer le programme « Parental Friendship Coaching » auprès de parents francophones d’enfants avec TDAH. Poster presented at the first Scientific Day, Groupe de neurosciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
57. *Mongrain-Lalonde, L., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (April 2018). Validation d’une mesure observationnelle de la qualité des relations d’amitié chez les enfants avec TDAH lors d’une situation de résolution de problème. Poster presented at the first Scientific Day, Groupe de neurosciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
56. *Losier, M.-C., Schneider, B.H., del Pilar Soteras de Toro, M., Santana Gonzalez, Y., & Normand, S. (April 2018). L'invariance sexuelle et les corrélats externes du modèle bifactoriel des symptômes du TDAH chez les écoliers cubains. Poster presented at the first Scientific Day, Groupe de neurosciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
55. *Cossette, M., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (April 2018). Les symptômes dépressifs comme prédicteur de la faible qualité des relations d’amitié chez les enfants avec TDAH. Poster presented at the first Scientific Day, Groupe de neurosciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
54. *Achkar, T., Normand, S., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Mikami, A.Y. (April 2018). Contributions relatives du TDAH et d'autres psychopathologies à la prédiction des relations d’amitié réciproques et du statut social auprès des pairs. Poster presented at the first Scientific Day, Groupe de neurosciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
53. *Brown, M., Normand, S., Cantin, S., Vitaro, F., & Boivin, M. (April 2018). Associations prospectives entre les symptômes du TDAH et la victimisation par les pairs: le rôle modérateur des symptômes du TDAH des amis réciproques. Poster presented at the first Scientific Day, Groupe de neurosciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
52. *LeBlanc, V., * Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (April 2018). Associations intergénérationnelles de la qualité de l’amitié des parents et des enfants : Une étude multiméthode dans un échantillon d’enfants avec TDAH. Poster presented at the first Scientific Day, Groupe de neurosciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
51. *Boucher, D., K., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (April 2018). Les habiletés sociales des parents prédisent l’acceptation sociale des enfants avec TDAH à l’école. Poster presented at the first Scientific Day, Groupe de neurosciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
50. *Pichette, V., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (April 2018). Le conflit enseignant-élève: Un prédicteur unique des problèmes dans les relations entre pairs des enfants avec TDAH? Poster presented at the first Scientific Day, Groupe de neurosciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
49. *Juteau, A.-L., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (April 2018). Les pratiques parentales positives influencent-elles la qualité de l’amitié des enfants avec TDAH? Poster presented at the first Scientific Day, Groupe de neurosciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
48. *Antille, K., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (April 2018). Les dimensions de la qualité de l’amitié selon les enfants avec TDAH et leurs parents. Poster presented at the first Scientific Day, Groupe de neurosciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais.
47. *Marcotte-Durand, C., Salvas, M.-C., *Goulet, J. & Normand, S. (March 2018). Élaboration et validation d’une mesure d’observation de la qualité de l’amitié dyadique des enfants agressifs en début de scolarisation : Un aperçu des propriétés psychométriques. Poster presented to the 2018 Société québécoise de recherche en psychologie Annual Convention. Québec, Canada.
46. *Boucher, D., K., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (March 2018). Les habiletés sociales des parents prédisent l’acceptation sociale des enfants avec TDAH à l’école. Poster presented to the 2018 Société québécoise de recherche en psychologie Annual Convention. Québec, Canada.
45. *Pichette, V., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (March 2018). Le conflit enseignant-élève: Un prédicteur unique des problèmes dans les relations entre pairs des enfants avec TDAH? Poster presented to the 2018 Société québécoise de recherche en psychologie Annual Convention. Québec, Canada.
44. *LeBlanc, V., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (March 2018). L’importance des traits insensibles et non émotionnels pour la qualité de l’amitié chez les enfants avec TDAH. Poster presented to the 2018 Société québécoise de recherche en psychologie Annual Convention. Québec, Canada.
43. *LeBlanc, V., *Pichette, V., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (March 2018). Associations intergénérationnelles entre la qualité de l’amitié des filles avec TDAH et de leur mère. Poster presented to the 2018 Société québécoise de recherche en psychologie Annual Convention. Québec, Canada.
42. *Gingras, F., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (March 2018). Stratégies parentales de facilitation de l’amitié et qualité de l’amitié des enfants avec TDAH. Poster presented to the 2018 Société québécoise de recherche en psychologie Annual Convention. Québec, Canada.
41. *Mukunzi, J., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (March 2018). Stratégies de résolution de conflit, nombre d’amis réciproques et comportements dyadiques prosociaux des enfants avec TDAH et de leurs amis : Une étude multiméthode. Poster presented to the 2018 Société québécoise de recherche en psychologie Annual Convention. Québec, Canada.
40. *Juteau, A.-L., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (March 2018). Les pratiques parentales positives influencent-elles la qualité de l’amitié des enfants avec TDAH? Poster presented to the 2018 Société québécoise de recherche en psychologie Annual Convention.
39. *Antille, K., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (March 2018). Les dimensions de la qualité de l’amitié selon les enfants avec TDAH et leurs parents. Poster presented to the 2018 Société québécoise de recherche en psychologie Annual Convention. Québec, Canada.
37. *Guiet, J., *Brown, M., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (November 17, 2017). Preliminary validation of an observational coding system for the dyadic friendships of children with ADHD. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 51st Annual Convention, San Diego, United States.
36. *Smit, S., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (June 29, 2017). Parenting children with ADHD: Influences of parental ADHD and depression. 18th Biennial International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Scientific Meeting. Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.
35. *Na, J., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (June 29, 2017). Parental affiliate stigma predicts parenting practices in families of children with ADHD. 18th Biennial International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Scientific Meeting. Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.
34. *Jia, M., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (June 29, 2017). Protection against bullying/ victimization in children with ADHD: Quantity, quality, or friends’ characteristics? In A.Y. Mikami (chair), Understanding social impairment in children with ADHD: Cognitive, social, and physiological moderators. 18th Biennial International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Scientific Meeting. Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.
33. *Khalis, A., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (June 29, 2017). Predictors of friendship quality in children with ADHD. 18th Biennial International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Scientific Meeting. Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.
32. *Mongrain-Lalonde, L., *LeBlanc, V., *Fortin-Delisle, I., *Guiet, J., Mikami, A.Y., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (June 29, 2017). Intergenerational relationships between parents’ and children’s friendship quality in an ADHD sample. 18th Biennial International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Scientific Meeting. Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.
31. *Lu, L., *Hudec, K., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (June 8, 2017). Effects of parental executive function on ODD/aggressive behaviour in children with ADHD. 67th Canadian Psychological Association Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
30. *Ee, B., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (June 8, 2017). Therapeutic alliance and treatment outcomes of behavioral parent training in families of children with ADHD. 67th Canadian Psychological Association Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
29. *Losier, M.-C., *Cossette, I., S., Schneider, B.H., del Pilar Soteras de Toro, M., Santana Gonzalez, Y., & Normand, S. (April 6, 2017). Sex invariance and external correlates of the bifactor model of ADHD symptoms in Cuban schoolchildren. 2017 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Austin, Texas, United States.
28. *Cossette, M., Normand, S., & Mikami, A.Y. (April 6, 2017). Depressive symptoms as a predictor of lower friendship quality among children with ADHD. 2017 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Austin, Texas, United States.
27. *Achkar, T., Normand, S., & Mikami, A.Y. (April 6, 2017). Relative contributions of ADHD status and other psychopathology to the prediction of reciprocated friendships and peer status. 2017 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Austin, Texas, United States.
26. *Brown, M., Normand, S., Cantin, S., Vitaro, F., & Boivin, M. (April 6, 2017). Prospective associations between ADHD symptoms and peer victimization: The moderating role of reciprocated friends' ADHD symptoms. Paper presented at the 2017 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Austin, Texas, United States.
25. *Na, J.J., Mikami, A.Y., & Normand, S. (October 28, 2016). Implications of parental affiliate stigma on facilitation of friendships in children with ADHD. 50th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT). New York, USA.
24. *Hudec, K., Mikami, A., & S. Normand (October 14, 2016). Parent qualities contribute to satisfaction and outcomes in parenting groups for social problems in Children with ADHD. 3rd ADHD Research Day. Ottawa, Canada.
23. Normand, S., Cornish, K.M., Wilding, J.M., & Tannock, R. (October 2015). Continuous visual search performance in elementary school-aged students rated by their teachers as persistently attentive, inconsistently inattentive, and consistently inattentive. The 2nd Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) Research Day. Vancouver, Canada.
22. *Guiet. J., *Soucisse, M.M., Schneider, B.H., Ambrosoli, J., Tassi, F., *Vezina Melançon, M.P., Lee, M.D., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (October 2015). Contextual circumstances surrounding the expression of negative affect in the friendship interactions of children with and without ADHD. The 2nd Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) Research Day. Vancouver, Canada.
21. *Soucisse, M.M., *Vezina Melançon, M.P., Schneider, B.H., Lee, M.D., & Maisonneuve, M.-F. , & Normand, S. (July 2015). Free-play patterns of children with and without ADHD: An observational study. 17th International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Biennal Meeting. Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
20. *Soucisse, M.M., *Vezina Melançon, M.P., Schneider, B.H., Maisonneuve, M.-F., Guiet, J. & Normand, S. (March 2015). Les interactions dyadiques des enfants avec et sans TDAH dans une tâche de jeu libre : une étude observationnelle. 37e congrès annuel de la Société québécoise pour la recherche en psychologie. Gatineau, Québec, Canada.
19. *Beaudin, C., *Pitre, M., *Soucisse, M.M., *Vezina Melançon, M.P., Schneider, B.H., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (March 2015). Évolution longitudinale de la qualité du jeu libre des enfants avec TDAH et de leurs amis. 37e congrès annuel de la Société québécoise pour la recherche en psychologie. Gatineau, Québec, Canada.
18. Normand, S., *Soucisse, M.M., *Vezina Melançon, M.P., Schneider, B.H., Lee, M.D., & Maisonneuve, M.-F. (October 2014). An observational study of free-play behaviors and friendship quality in children with ADHD. The Inaugural Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance Research Day. Toronto, Canada.
17. *Vézina Melançon, M.-P., *Soucisse, M. M., Schneider, B. H., Lee, M. D., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (July 2014). Dyadic free-play patterns and friendship quality of children with and without ADHD. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development 23rd Biennial Meeting. East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.
16. *Soucisse, M. M., *Vézina Melançon, M.-P., Schneider, B. H., Lee, M. D., Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (March 2014). Comportements dyadiques et qualité de l'amitié des enfants avec TDAH durant le jeu libre. In M.-C. Salvas (Chair), Le rôle des pairs dans le développement social et scolaire des enfants. Symposium donné lors du 36e congrès annuel de la Société québécoise pour la recherche en psychologie. Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
15. Mikami, A.Y. & Normand, S. (November 2013). Designing the appropriate attention control condition in a RCT for a psychosocial intervention training parents as friendship coaches for children with ADHD. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 47th Annual Convention: ADHD Special Interest Group, Nashville, U.S.A.
14. Normand, S., Schneider, B.H., Toplak, M., Soteras de Toro, M. P., Santana Gonzalez, Y.S., & Tannock, R. (June 2013). The bifactor model of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity in Cuban schoolchildren: a replication and external validation study. 16th International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Biennal Meeting. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
13. Normand, S., Schneider, B.H., Lee, M.D., Maisonneuve, M.-F., Chupetloskva-Anasatova, A., Kuehn, S.M., & Robaey, P. (June 2013). Continuities and changes in the friendships of children with ADHD: A longitudinal, observational study. 16th International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Biennal Meeting. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
12. Normand, S., Cornish, K.M., Wilding, J.M., & Tannock, R. (June 2013). A longitudinal general population study on the association between teacher ratings of children’s attentive behavior and measures of cognitive attention. 16th International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Biennal Meeting. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
11. Normand, S., Schneider, B.H., Lee, M.D., Maisonneuve, M.-.F., Achupetloskva, A., Kuehn, S.M., & Robaey, P. (June 2011). Children with ADHD in interaction with their friends: A six-month follow-up study. 15th International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. Chicago, U.S.A.
10. Normand, S., Flora, D.B., Toplak, & Tannock, R. (June 2011). The bifactor model of ADHD: Replication in a general population sample of children. 15th International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. Chicago, U.S.A.
9. Normand, S., Cornish, K.M., Wilding, J.M. & Tannock, R. (June 2011). Interrelationships between behavioural and cognitive attention in typically developing children. 15th International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. Chicago, U.S.A.
8. Normand, S. & Tannock, R. (June 2011). The Working Memory Rating Scale: Factor structure, reliability, and convergent validity. 15th International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. Chicago, U.S.A.
7. Normand, S., Schneider, B. H., Maisonneuve, M.-F., Lee, M. D., Kuehn, S. M., James, W., O’Kelly, F., Kerridge, A., & Robaey, P. (August 2010). A multimethod investigation of the friendships of children with and without ADHD. 2010 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Diego, U.S.A.
6. Normand, S., Schneider, B. H., Soteras de Toro, M., Santana Gonzalez, Y., Guilarte Tellez, J. A., Carbonell Naranjo, M., Musle, M., & Díaz Socarras, F. J., & Robaey, P. (June 2009). Distinguishing features of Cuban children referred for professional help because of ADHD. 14th International Society for Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. Seattle, U.S.A.
5. Normand, S., Schneider, B. H., Lee, M. D., Kuehn, S. M., Maisonneuve, M.-F., James, W., O’Kelly, F., Kerridge, A., & Robaey, P. (April 2009). A multi-method study of the friendships of children with ADHD: A progress report. Poster presented at the 2009 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Denver, U.S.A.
4. Schneider, B. H., Normand, S., Soteras de Toro, M., Santana Gonzalez, Y., Guilarte Tellez, J. A., Carbonell Naranjo, M., Musle, M., & Díaz Socarras, F. J., & Robaey, P. (November 2008). ADHD in Cuban elementary-school children: Identification, comorbidities, and treatments. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder International Conference. Anaheim, U.S.A.
3. Normand, S., Schneider, B. H., Kuehn, S. M., Maisonneuve, M.-F., James, W., O’Kelly, F., Kerridge, A., Lee, M. D., & Robaey, P., (November 2008). Perceptions of closeness and conflict in the friendships of children with ADHD. Poster presented at the 20th Annual Childen and Adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder International Conference. Anaheim, U.S.A.
2. Normand, S., Green-Demers, I., & Legault, L. (June 2006). Are funny teachers motivating? The mediating role of humour in the relationship between teachers’ interpersonal behaviors and students’ academic motivation. Poster presented at the 67th Canadian Psychological Association Annual Conference, Calgary, Canada.
1. Normand, S., & Green-Demers, I. (June 2005). Construction et validation d'une mesure de motivation académique: l'Inventaire de Motivation Scolaire (IMS). Poster presented at the 66th Canadian Psychological Association Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada.
Invited Presentations (* = student as co-author)
18. Normand, S. (November 4, 2015). Les traitements psychosociaux du TDAH pour les enfants et adolescents : Controverses et preuves empiriques actuelles. Conference given for the Programme d'excellence professionnelle, Consortium national de formation en santé, volet Université d'Ottawa, Montfort Hospital. Ottawa, Canada.
17. Normand, S. (June, 2015). Le Conners-3. Un outil simple et efficace pour identifier les symptômes clés du TDAH? Workshop given to the Groupe de médecine familiale de Gatineau. Gatineau, Québec, Canada.
16. Normand, S. & *Soucisse, M. M. (March, 2015). Le Conners-3. Un outil simple et efficace pour identifier les symptômes clés du TDAH? Videoconference workshop given to the Institut Tshakapesh. Uashat, Québec, Canada.
15. Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (May, 2014). L’anxiété simplifiée : un survol pour les parents. Présentation donnée en collaboration avec l’AFPED. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
14. Schneider, B.H., & Normand, S. (March 27, 2014). The close friendships of children with ADHD: Longitudinal results and clinical implications. Conference given to the Department of Psychology, Boston College. Boston, États-Unis.
13. Schneider, B.H., & Normand, S. (May 2012). Le amicizie dei bambini con deficit d’attenzione/iperattività (How do children with ADHD (Mis)manage their Real-Life Friendships? A Multi-Method Investigation). Conference given to the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. Milan, Italy.
12. Maisonneuve, M.F., & Normand, S. (April 2012). Le trouble du déficit de l’attention/hyperactivité au XXIe siècle. Conference given to the University of Ottawa School of Medicine. Ottawa, Canada.
11. Maisonneuve, M.F., & Normand, S. (February 2012). Démystifier les troubles d’attention et d’apprentissage. Videoconference given to the Association francophone de parents d’enfants dyslexiques ou ayant tout autre trouble d’apprentissage. Ottawa, Chatham, & Sudbury, Canada.
10. Maisonneuve, M.-F., & Normand, S. (November 2011). Les troubles d’attention et d’apprentissage: L’importance du diagnostic. Conference given to the Department of Justice Canada. Ottawa, Canada.
9. Normand, S. (July 2011). The Importance of Friendship for Children with ADHD: What Does the Science Say? Presentation given to the Hospital for Sick Children Neuropsychiatry Team, Toronto, Canada.
8. Normand, S. (May 2011). ADHD and the Challenges of Close Friendship. Presentation given to the Hospital for Sick Children Psychology Rounds, Toronto, Canada.
7. Maisonneuve, M.-F. & Normand, S. (April 2009). Le TDAH et l’apprentissage : défis et stratégies efficaces d’intervention. Workshop given at the Commission Scolaire du Fer, Sept-Iles, Canada.
6. Maisonneuve, M.-F. & Normand, S. (February 2009). Le TDAH et l’apprentissage : défis et stratégies efficaces d’intervention. Workshop given at La Griffe d’Alpha, Mont-Laurier, Canada.
5. Daoust, J-P, Labonté, R., & Normand, S. (June 2008). Pour une meilleure compréhension du TDAH. Workshop given at the Outaouais Youth Centres. Gatineau, Canada.
4. Normand, S. & Schneider, B.H. (April 2008). L’enfant avec TDAH et ses difficultés sociales : connaissances actuelles, implications pratiques et recherches futures. Workshop given at the Odyssée School, Gatineau, Canada.
3. Normand, S. & Schneider, B.H. (January 2008). L’enfant avec TDAH et ses difficultés sociales : connaissances actuelles, implications appliquées et études futures. Workshop given at the Psychosocial Centre for Children and Families, Ottawa, Canada.
2. Schneider, B.H., & Normand, S. (May 2007). Le TDAH et le défi des amitiés intimes. Presentation given at the CHVO Hospital Pediatric Clinic, Gatineau, Canada.
1. Schneider, B.H., & Normand, S. (February 2007). Le TDAH et le défi des amitiés intimes. Presentation given for the Scientific Conferences at the Pierre Janet Hospital, Gatineau, Canada.
Unpublished coding manuals (* = student as co-author)
4. *Guiet, J., *Soucisse, M. M., & Normand, S. (2015). Child-Friend Car-Race Task Coding Manual. Unpublished coding manual: 14 pages. Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, Canada.
3. Salvas, M.-C., Robert-Mazaye, C., *Marcotte-Durand, C, *Goulet, J., & Normand, S. (2015). Qualité de l'amitié chez l'enfant en début de scolarisation: Manuel de codification. Unpublished coding manual: 28 pages. Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, Canada.
2. *Guiet, J., *Soucisse, M. M., & Normand, S.(2015). Child-Friend Toy-Sharing Task Coding Manual. Unpublished coding manual: 14 pages. Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, Canada.
1. Normand S., Mikami A.Y., & *Lee M.D. (2012). Friendship Interaction Coding Scheme (FICS): A Coding System of Children's Friendship Quality. Unpublished coding manual: 17 pages. Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, Canada.