IRPCMH'S Director at the Forefont of Non-Pharmacological Treatments for Children with ADHD

Posted on 04 novembre 2015

Dr. Sébastien Normand, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at UQO and Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Program on Children's Mental Helathsanté (IRPCMH), gave a conference on November 4, 2015 at Montfort Hospital on the controversies and empirical evidence about the psychosocial treatments of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) for children and adolescents.


ADHD is a persistent neurodevelopmental disorder that affects about 5% of children and adolescents worldwide. ADHD his associated with important long-term deleterious consequences for youth, their family and society. Even if medication is generally a very effective treatment, it does have important limitations (e.g., parental preferences toward psychosocial treatments, low adherence in adolescents, lower effectiveness for specific areas of functioning such as peer functioning, and side effects). Several psychosocial treatments for ADHD have been developped during the last four decades (p. ex., parent training programs, classroom behavioural management, cognitive training, neurofeedback, organisation skills training programs, etc.). The main objective of this conference was to summarize the controversies and empirical evidence about the psychosocial treatments of ADHD. The treatment, patient, and measure characteristics affecting therapeutic efficacy were presented. Finally, examples of evidence-based ADHD psychosocial treatments for youths were presented.


Dr. Normand's conference was in Multimedia Room 2E106 at Montfort Hospital on Wednesday November 4, 2015 from 11:30am to 1:00pm. This conference was shown through videoconference in diverse sites throughout Canada. For more information (in French): To listen to the presentation (in French):


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